Republican Debate 2016 FOX Business GOP Debate 2nd Round Donald Trump Full debate 1/14/16
Google has shared with us a 360-degree snapshot taken from Ted Cruz"s podium hours before tonight"s GOP primary debate. The image was captured with a Ricoh Theta, a nifty consumer 360-camera.
Let us take this opportunity to put ourselves in the mind of Mr. Cruz as he gazes upon the auditorium of the Fox News / Google debate. Consider the feeling of power you contain as the Junior Senator of Texas. Exhaust a sigh of relief that this event isn"t attended by Donald Trump. Reflect on how far you"ve come in your quest to rule the world. Hold your own internal debate about which of the 50 states produces the best breakfast tacos, then smile to yourself when you quickly come to the conclusion that, yes, your beautiful state of Texas produces the best breakfast tacos.
"I"m sorry, Mrs. Kelly," you say. "What was the question? Oh yes, how would I handle the threat of nuclear..."
You fell your mouth saying something, but your mind is elsewhere taco country. Win or lose, you"ll always have those seasoned carnitas in a warm corn tortilla. You"ll always have Texas. The world isn"t so bad, you tell yourself. Even if you can"t rule it all.
You look into the auditorium, and it"s empty now just you, your thoughts, and a couple of electrical grips in the back.
Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETASource: