Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Pokemon Go Tracker FastPokeMap Succeeded to Break Pokemon Go Encryption

Pokevision REPLACED!!!! How to use FASTPOKEMAP NOW

Update 10/23: FastPokeMap works again and you can scan for Pokemon now.

It is done. The creator of FastPokeMap just announced that the final piece of the new encryption Niantic released on October 7 has been cracked. It was not developer of FastPokeMap himself who succeeded to reverse engineer the final hash algorithm. A developer identified as elfin did it.

Update: The FastPokeMap team is making good progress and the Pokemon Go tracker is still on track to go online somewhen late Sunday. The team is getting ready to slowly bring back the web service once a closed beta test is successful.

"elfin got a successful scan, i head home and i start integrating his solution to FPM. so now it"s not about bypassing security, it"s about applying the new algorithm to FPM"s old code. which can be a bit tricky. which is why i"m not saying tonight, I actually have to repay for all the servers and bring everything back online too, zzzzzzzzzzz my wallet gonna hurt haha so now it"s just captcha left and that is "easy" to bypass," posted the developer of FastPokeMap on Discord. Below is the moment of the first successful Pokemon scan. It was a Rattata.

The new security hack will be shared with the 3rd party developer community. The FastPokeMap developer announced to share the solution a couple days ago when other developers started to support the effort of reverse engineering the new security.

There is though a big caveat. The current way the encryption is circumvented requires to run Pokemon Go app binaries. The FastPokeMap creator warns on reddit that running a Pokemon Go map scanner based on his crack is 100% not legal.

"You didn"t break any law before for hosting a map, because you used a reverse engineered code that was there for interoperability which was 100% legal. The current way we did the ping is 100% not legal, we"re using PoGO"s binary to do the hashing for us because it still isn"t reversed. Think of it as PSX emulators and BIOS, the BIOS part can"t be distributed freely. So be warned that the current solution is not really elegant," writes whitelist_ip on reddit.

This time the cracking of Niantic"s encryption took at least two weeks. The first time around it took only a couple of days for the 3rd party developer community to connect again to Niantic"s servers.

FastPokeMap will be working again first. The most popular Pokemon Go scanner could be online by Sunday.Soon millions of Pokemon Go trainers will be able to find Pokemon again in real-time. FastPokeMap will be more popular than ever when it comes back online as no other real-time Pokemon scanner will be working yet. The latest update by the creator of FastPokeMap says that the implementation takes 24 hours minimum and 48 hours maximum.

The breaking of the new encryption is not removing the Captcha security measure. Google"s reCaptcha is still something FastPokeMap has to deal with. There are two ways to solve the Captcha issue. It is not clear yet how FastPokeMap will implement it. Either they pay a service like 2Captcha to solve the reCaptcha or users of FastPokeMap will be prompted to solve captchas while using the scanner. It is also not clear yet if the new speed limit is an issue for FastPokeMap.

Running 3rd party Pokemon Go apps has become rather elaborate. There will be less apps and services going forward despite the demand from trainers.

Pokemon Go launched July 6 amidst unprecedented hype. Pokemon Go has dropped dramatically in the number of players, but the games was so popular that the remaining user base is still huge and bigger than other popular mobile games. Pokemon Go had 15.4 million weekly active users according to a report early October. This is 4 times as many as Clash of Clans. Pokemon Go is also by far the fastest gaming app reach $600m in revenues. There is maybe a special Halloween Pokemon Go event.

Source: http://www.i4u.com/2016/10/116486/pokemon-go-fastpokemap-succeeded-break-pokemon-go-encryption

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