Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Beethoven Google Doodle tests your knowledge of composer"s melodies with interactive challenge

who invented the mechanical television? (John Logie Baird)

This was despite him losing his hearing in his 30s. By the end of his life aged 56 in 1827, Beethoven was totally deaf.

"It happens that our story isnt much of a stretch in the broader context of Ludwig van Beethovens life, which saw more than its share of rotten luck," said Google"s artists.

"He lost two siblings prematurely, had to assume full responsibility for his family as a teenager, fell madly for unrequiting lovers twice, and, most famously, began losing his hearing at the peak of his career. Despite all of this, Beethovens music prevailed."

December 17 is not actually Beethoven"s birthday, which is unknown, but marks the anniversary of his baptism in 1770.

Most scholars accept December 16 as his date of birth, which is actually a notoriously bad birthday to have. According to research from Interflora, the cold weather and interference from Christmas reduces the likelihood of gifts, or of people turning up to your birthday party.

One in six people born in December (16 per cent) said they were "unhappy" with their birth date followed by January (15 per cent) and November (11 per cent).

Today"s Doodle is one of Google"s more innovative ones, and follows a long line of interactive art that replaces the traditional Google logo. Since then more than 2,000 have been created.

Some of the more memorable examples include Robert Moog"s 78th birthday and an interactive penalty shoot-out to mark the 2012 Olympics.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/google-doodle/12054422/How-well-do-you-know-Beethovens-most-famous-melodies-Google-Doodle-challenge-marks-genius-composers-245th-anniversary.html

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