Monday, July 4, 2016

10 resolutions to make this Eid 2016

Full Hand Easy Mehendi | Henna Design EID 2016 | ShrutiArjunAnand

Ramadan inspires us to be better people and better human beings in various ways. Charity, kindness and self-restraint are focused on during Ramadan and it is only logical to take it forward through your Eid resolutions. After all, it is not about one month, but who we become after it that counts. Here are ten ideas to inspire your post-Ramadan resolutions.

1. Sponsor a child

Sponsoring a child involves being financially responsible for his or her educational expenses, sometimes extending to include living expenses too. The payment involved in such programs are in yearly, half yearly or monthly instalments of small amounts. Almost all sponsorship programs give you periodic school progress reports and other details about the child. Some programs also allow you to be in contact with your sponsored child.

Ramadan teaches you to be kind and charitable, not just for a month, but for as long as you live.Share on facebook

International organisations which offer this program include World Vision, Save the Children and Compassion. Monthly payments start from US $30 (Dh110) per month which covers medical check-ups, food, basic education, health and hygiene training and mentoring, none of which would otherwise be accessible to these children.

2. Self-Restraint

Ramadan, as a month of fasting and restraint, teaches us the importance of self-restraint. Take a resolution to practice this control in all aspects of life. Put needs over wants in terms of food and money. This restraint will help you realise the importance of how blessed we are in comparison to others who dont have enough for their basic needs, and also help you have better control over yourself and your life.

Read a readers experience of how Ramadan taught him about self-restraint

3. Charity

Charity begind in the home as they say and should be year-round, not just for one month. It is not also only about giving when you have extra. It is about understanding our responsibility to other human lives in the world. Giving, in however small way, is a great way to help a less fortunate person. Ramadan teaches you to be kind and charitable, not just for a month, but for as long as you live.

4. All or nothing

The message of Ramadan is to try to be the best version of you whether it"s at work or at home. Take this forward this Eid by striving to be your best always. When fasting ends, keep your efforts up to maximum productivity and 100 per cent commitment to your work and family.

5. Fast one day in a month

Rekindle the spirit of Ramadan once a month by selecting one day to fast. It will refresh your mind and body. You can have water, but abstain from food. End your fast in as healthily a way as possible. Meditate; spend time in positive introspection and take the day slow. This will help refresh your mind and help you destress while detoxing your body.

6. Tolerance

The spiritual element of Ramadan automatically instils a positive feeling, which permeates all our activities. Even people who dont fast seem to take the extra effort to be positive, polite and tolerant. Carry this forward this Eid and strive to be understanding and tolerant of people or events around you. Be ready to listen and learn as much as you can. Be open-minded to ideas, even if they make no sense to you at first. Tolerance only comes through understanding and acceptance of things that are new or different.

7. Eat less meat

As responsible human beings, we should avoid taking lives just because we like eating meat. We have so many options available to us, yet we seem unable to control our appetite for meat. Regardless of your culture or normal eating patterns, eating less meat is easy to bring about and healthier for you. For a start, restrict yourselves to just one or two non-vegetarian meals in a week.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron urge people to eat less meat.

8. Stop smoking

Take a resolution to be responsible for your own health and quit smoking. Make small changes such as avoiding or restricting daily smoking opportunities with colleagues and avoid buying cigarettes. Challenge yourself, because the need to smoke should not control you.

9. Volunteer once a month

Volunteer for a cause close to your heart once a month. In the UAE many organisations require volunteers on a periodic basic for various activities. Some of these are Dubai Cares, Community Development Authority and K9 Friends. Find a cause you feel passionate about and do adequate research on the organisation before registering as a volunteer.

10. Family first

Eid and Ramadan are extra special because we spend more time than usual with our elderly parents and our extended family. Resolve to spend uninterrupted and regular time with extended family and friends every month. This brings about a feeling of belonging and support, and also teaches the younger generation about how important relationships are. Your stress and troubles will become bearable when you have supportive and loving people around you.


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