The Flash Zoom ( Hunter Zolomon ) Fan Voice Test
Just in case your mind was not blown enough by all of the surprises that The Flash gave you last night, know this: Another Speedster could be coming soon to Central City to mess with Barry Allen in a very unique way.
According to TVLine, Days of Our Lives alumni Allison Paige is going to be coming aboard the CW series later this season as Eliza Harmon, a woman who also has an alternate comic-book identity of her own in Trajectory. She is known for her speed, but also for causing some chaos and on the show, The Flash could end up being blamed for some of it. Its a classic superhero trope to have a city turn against a hero, but we are curious about what would happen in this world, given that Central City has been incredibly loyal to The Flashto the point that he has his own latte, and that they tried to hold a celebration for him before it was interrupted by Atom-Smasher in the season premiere.
Paige is coming on a show that already has a super-speedster as the Big Bad in Zoom, and we also had the Reverse-Flash return on Tuesday nights new episode. We already know that Harrison Wells daughter on Earth-2 is Jesse, which we presume is some sort of reference to Jesse Quick. Also in this episode we learned that the Earth-1 version of former speedster Jay Garrick is Hunter Zolomon, a man who may very well have a role to play in all of this before the season is over.
If you want to see our review for The Reverse-Flash returns right now, head over to this link!
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