Saturday, January 2, 2016

Natalie Cole Dead at 65: Dionne Warwick, Questlove, Cher, Gigi Hadid and More ...

Natalie Cole - Unforgettable

The world is in mourning for Natalie Cole.

Following news of her death Thursday night, her friends, colleagues and admirers have taken to social media to express their grief over the loss of the legendary singer.

"More like family than friend was Natalie, Dionne Warwick said in a statement to ET. "My heart aches. My sincere condolences to her family and may she now rest in peace."

GRAMMY producer Ken Elrich also shared this memory with ET, "Natalie possessed one of those magical voices that grabbed you from the first note. It could sound like honey, but when she wanted to belt, she could keep up with the best of them. In a way, and not just in lineage, Natalie was the connector between the great singers of her father and Ella"s generation, and the great female voices who were to dominate in the last 25 years. I"ll never forget when we did "Unforgettable" as a duet with her father"s recording on a GRAMMY hall of fame show, years before she recorded it. Magical!!!"

Read on for more touching tributes.

WATCH: Natalie Cole Opens Up About Singing Duets With Her Late Father


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Friday, January 1, 2016

Kathy Griffin Continues to Poke Fun at Anderson Cooper on New Year"s Eve - by ...

Kathy Griffin on The Tavis Smiley show (11/03/2015)

01/01/2016 AT 12:05 PM EST

Anderson Cooper is looking really festive these days!

As the clock ticked down to New Year"s, Kathy Griffin continued to embarrass her co-host, this time by putting a spoon over his eyes and spray-painting his face gold.

Griffin considered the prank "spray-tanning," as a remedy for Cooper"s prior complaint that he was too pale. But Cooper got a bit of a surprise when he learned he was glittery gold rather than tanned.

Despite being shocked, he was a good sport and laughed off Griffin"s antics.

.@kathygriffin just spray tanned @andersoncooper in Times Square after deciding he was too pale. #CNNNYE

Anderson Cooper 360 (@AC360) January 1, 2016

"In case you thought you were too pale," Griffin said. "Ladies and gentlemen, Anderson Cooper has been spray-tanned. We"re live from Rio! We are live from Rio in the hot sun!"

The jokes continued as the comedian had Cooper read some of his least flattering text messages aloud.

One message was about a dream he had involving flatbed trains, hobos and Baghdad, while the other was a bit simpler, describing the way he felt after an early morning flight.

"I just woke up on the red eye and my mouth tastes like stinky cheese," he said after his disclaimer that he must have taken an Ambien beforehand.

While Cooper was the subject of most of the jokes, Griffin did get her share of fun poked at her as she read some mean tweets. One of those tweets, from a staunch Demi Lovato fan, said Griffin was "asking for death threats again."

However harsh the comments, Griffin took them with ease, saying, "I just want to make fun of a singer now and again. Nobody should die here!"


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The Fix"s 2016 predictions!

Celebraciones por el Año Nuevo 2016 en Japón

In these final days of 2015 -- the most unpredictable political year I can remember -- I asked members of the Fix posse and myself a very difficult question: Make a prediction (or two) about what 2016 might hold for all of us. Here"s what they came up with.

(And, yes, we will acknowledge at the top here that our predictions haven"t always panned out (and that"s putting it nicely). Consider this a fun exercise rather than one to be taking completely literally. And Happy New Year!)

There will be a brokered Republican convention

By Chris Cillizza

So, sure, a brokered convention -- in either party -- is the political nerd fantasy of all times. But, that doesn"t mean it won"t happen; in fact, if we are ever to see another brokered convention in modern politics, this year and this Republican Party may be our best bet.

Start with the fact that, even with the departure of George Pataki this week, there are still a dozen serious candidates running for the Republican nomination. It takes time for a field that large to sort itself out and thin down to one or two candidates. That"s before you consider that one of the dozen candidates is named Donald J. Trump -- a man who is, without question, the least predictable politician ever to lead a major party"s nomination contest this late in the calendar. Trump has repeatedly pledged to carry the fight all the way to the convention, although it remains to be seen how he will cope with losing -- if and when that happens.

Now consider the way that the Republican Party will allocate its delegates from the various primaries and caucuses next year. If your state holds a primary or caucus prior to March 15, you have to allocate the delegates won by candidates proportionally -- meaning that the candidate who wins the state doesn"t get all of them (or even close). By my count, 26 states will vote prior to March 15 in 2016. That means that it"s VERY likely that come mid-March you will have three or four candidates with a creditable amount of delegates. There"s likely to be a leader. But he (or she) isn"t likely to be able to run away with it. And, if there are four viable options on March 1, then that quartet can cherry-pick states here and there over the next few months in whichthey can win and continue to accrue delegates. All the way to the convention floor.

Arguing against the brokered convention is the Republican establishment"s fervent desire to take back the White House and beat expected Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. That"s a very real emotion within the GOP establishment, no question. But, if this past year has proven anything, it"s how little power the establishment has to enforce its will on the broader party.

In short: Circle July 18-21 in Cleveland. It could be the most interesting political convention in decades.

President Obama willgo out with a bang

By Aaron Blake

Politicians get frustrated when they don"t get what they want. President Obama gets flabbergasted.

As we"ve noted before on this blog, Obama often seems bemused that the things he"s proposed aren"t universally accepted as good ideas. Republicans who stand in his way are seen as obstructors, standing in his way just because they want to -- not for any real policy or ideological reason. When Obamahas failed, he has often blamed his inability to sell the idea to the American people. The subtext of that is this: I"m right, and people just haven"t been made to understand that yet.

We"ve seen Obama publicly vent about this, most often when it comes to passing new gun control legislation. It clearly bothers him that he can"t break through the gridlock -- that the strength of his own good ideas aren"t accepted wholeheartedly across the political spectrum. He knows he"s right.

But while Obama has vented, he hasn"t truly seethed -- truly emoted and laid his feelings bare. That"s not really his style; he was, after all, a professor.

And yet, here we are with just more than a year left in his presidency. And I believe that, at some point over the final year, we"ll see Obama truly lose his cool -- or at least be a much more in-your-face Obama.

It might or might not be totally spontaneous (perhaps he"ll do it to make sure his point is made loud and clear), but Obama will become so exasperated by the political debate and lack of progress in Washington and on the presidential campaign trail that he"llmake a scene.

I"mnot talking about a Howard Beale-style public breakdown, mind you. I"m not saying Obama is going to start publicly ridiculing his opponents and cursing -- although the latter can"t be ruled out, given Obama"s comments to Jerry Seinfeld. I"m just sayingthat he"ll do something with a little more oomph behind it, something perhaps uncharacteristic for a U.S. president.

This is a guy whose political rise, after all, was tied to breaking down the wall between red and blue -- whose soaring rhetoric was supposed to bring about "hope" and "change." He hasn"t been able to do that, and even making a scene likely won"t move the needle much.

It"s also politically risky. The very prospect of doing something "uncharacteristic for a U.S. president" can, of course, be labeled "unpresidential." (In fact, I checked and those are synonymous. Who knew?) Obama has his legacy to worry about, and perhaps he won"t want one of the lasting images of his presidency to be The Guy Who Lost His Cool on Camera.

But leaving our politics in better shape than he found themis something that Obama cares deeply about -- and something which he has been clearly and genuinely astonishedhasn"t happened on his watch.

Given that volatile mix, it"s possible Obama might feel the need to do more than just vent a little.

Ted Cruz will be the Republican nominee

By Janell Ross

The presidential nominee of the Republican Party in 2016 will be Ted Cruz.

Yes. I said it. And yes, time and unforeseeable developments might prove me wrong. But I"m making this prediction now because, well, Chris asked me to offer an idea. Now, here"s how I arrived at this prediction.

Data tells us that much of Republican front-runner Donald Trump"s support comes from adults who are not reliable voters. This means that whatever Trump is or is not doing to get out the vote matters a great deal. Now, every campaign claims they are running the biggest, baddest-- or in Trump"s case, classiest --ground game of all time.But as our own Jenna Johnson reported in recent days, it"s no cinch that Trump supporters will actually turn out.

So why does that make Cruz the likely nominee?

Well, Cruz is currently in second. He"snow as strong as or stronger than Trump with several key groups of reliable Republican voters. On top of that, with Trump in the race, Cruz -- a man with a bit of an "I don"t mind being disliked" reputation -- suddenly looks a lot more like the rational and experienced candidate on which lots of Republican factions could settle.

In a Dec. 14 Quinnipiac pollof the Iowa caucuses, Cruz was just one point behind Trump. Cruz"s positions on abortion, religious liberty, Obamacare, gay marriage and other issues make him a natural fit with evangelical voters. And these voters are valuable not only because of their large presence in Iowa, but because they"re accustomed to operating with political discipline. This is a group whose members vote. That means Iowa really and truly could go to Cruz.

After a tougher state for Cruz in New Hampshire, it"s on to South Carolina where evangelicals, tea party types, and big business interests reign. Cruz"s ideas about climate change and related regulation, federal spending and social issues appeal there.

By this point in the primary season, voters in the next state, Nevada, will likely begin to factor into their votes who looks like a winner. If Cruz arrives in the state with one or two victories, this could matter. Rubio could pose a challenge; he lived in Nevada in his youth, and the state is home to some Latino Republicans who may find his campaign and immigration stance appealing.

Then, there"s Cruz"s long-game. He has praised Trump while displaying subtle differences of opinion connected to his experience as a lawmaker, a former Texassolicitorgeneral and a Harvard Law grad. Even in this we-adore-outsiders election cycle, national security and economic concerns loom large. So those descriptors do not render Cruz unqualified. While he"s not a policy twin with Trump, they are friendly -- very friendly -- siblings. Should Trump"s campaignfail, Cruz is best positioned to inherit motivated Trump voters in many states.

Indeed, Trump"s presence in the race has very much opened the door to Cruz.

Conservatives in Congress will turn on Paul Ryan -- just as they did on Boehner

By Amber Phillips

As he reflects on an unexpected and tumultuous year, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) is probably feeling pretty good about his first two months in his new job.

He avoided a government shutdown by negotiating a spending bill and a tax bill with Democrats. He got a majority of his members to vote for both. He kept conservativesmostly contentby opening up some previously untouchable leadership jobs to them.

In short, Ryan carefully navigated his first tests as speaker without a major revolt of the lawmakerswho helped oust his predecessor, former speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), and could have easily made the start of his new job more difficult.

But the new speaker"shoneymoon will end abruptly in 2016.

The fundamental dynamics that drove the Republican Party into chaos-- increasingly partisan districts, the rise of politically active conservative groups watching lawmakers" every move, and the lack of earmarks that leaders can use as leverage to counter all that -- are still very much in play when Congress returns next year. In fact, they"ll likely be exacerbated.

As it stands now, lawmakers -- like the 30 to 40that make upthe hard-line Freedom Caucus--can demand politically popular but practically untenable policies like cutting of funds for President Obama"s health-care law or Planned Parenthood without repercussions from voters back home. They"re often encouraged to take such stands by conservative groups willing to shell out bucks for conservativecauses -- even quixotic ones. That"s especially true in an election year, when lawmakers of both parties tend to take more partisan stances anyway.

Ryan mightbe better-liked and more trusted among conservatives than his predecessor, but those are powerful forces for any leader to overcome. Boehner, with his three decades of experience, including almost five years as speaker, couldn"t find a way.

Speaking of Boehner, Ryan had the added benefit during December"s messy year-end spending negotiations of blaming his predecessor for backing him into a corner. Because Boehner was unable to help shepherd through individual spending bills for each government agency throughout the year, Ryan told his conference that had no choice but to negotiate with Democrats and pass an expensive, goodie-filled spending bill that jammed government funding into one 1,500-page package.

Next year will be different, Ryan promised his party. Under his leadership, Congress will return to "regular order" where Republican lawmakers of every level will have a say and major bills are put together on time so as to avoid last-minute capitulation to Democrats.

Those are big promises Ryan is putting all on his own shoulders. All it takes is one slip-up to give an emboldened, skeptical conservative class reason to think Ryan is just like their old leader -- unwilling to stand up to Democrats -- and turn on him like they did with Boehner.

In Washington, slip-ups and broken promisesare inevitable. Which is why I think 2016 will be the year conservatives turn on Paul Ryan.

Donald Trump will join the political press he so loathes

By Callum Borchers

Mark it down: In 2016, Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate who "hates" but notablywould stop short of killing journalists will become part of the political media machine he claims to loathe so much.

Embedded in this prediction is a more basic one: Despite leading the GOP field for months, Trump will ultimately fail to win the partys presidential nomination. Thats not a terribly originalor bold prediction, and it leaves me to wonder what he will do next. In an appearance on ABCs Good Morning America in November, he said if I lose I go into the sunset, and I go to Turnberry, and I go to Doral, and I build buildings.

Thats probably true in the long run, but expect Trump to finish the 2016 election cycle as a political commentator. Maybe itll be on talk radio (isnt Rush Limbaughs contract up next year?), but itll most likely be on television with one of the cable news networks.

No way, you say. Trump despises the media. Puh-lease. Remember how much Charles Barkley hated the medias persistent criticism of his bad behavior when he was playing in the NBA? He even used a memorable Nike commercial to tell the world, I am not a role model. Im not paid to be a role model, which didnt exactly help relations.

Guess whos now a leading TV commentator on basketball and occasionally media and politics during coverage of the NBA and NCAA March Madness? Thats right, Sir Charles. And just like Chuck, Trump is a loose cannon that some network will decide is worth the risk because hes a big name, hes entertaining and, most importantly, he gets ratings.

For a guy who cant stand the media, Trump sure does a lot of it. He craves attention and this is one of his real virtues he doesnt seem to hold grudges for very long. NBC dropped his beauty pageants in June, after he made derogatory remarks about undocumented Mexican immigrants, yet he agreed to host Saturday Night Live in November. He said in September that he was boycotting Fox News Channel because they were treating him very unfairly, but he was back on The OReilly Factor just six days later.

Trump is a businessman, a pragmatist. If a network approaches him with a good offer, he wont be able to say no.

And heres the thing: h**l be good as an analyst. He knows the race from the inside, knows the candidates and better than anyone else in the field knows what frustrates many Americans about the current state of politics. His ability to channel that frustration is why hes done so well so far.

When the improbable run of Candidate Trump finally ends, get ready for the run of Commentator Trump. Its gonnabe YUGE.

All of these predictions will turn out to be wrong

By Philip Bump

The safest prediction one can make about the 2016 election, of course, is that everyone"s predictions will be wrong, except those predictions that are squishy enough to be corralled into something resembling accuracy.

Predictions are an offshoot of the instinctual human tendency toward spotting patterns--the same inclination that makes us see faces in inanimate objects. We see 1 happen, and then 2 and so we proclaim with confidence that over the next 12 months, 3. Political pundits are just people who have been watching the thing longer, and so they rush ahead of themselves sooner. Three!, they shout with authority. And, inevitably: 4. Or, if this year is any guide, what actually happens is [crying emoji].

That"s actually a made-up biological reason we do predictions. Maybe it"s correct; I don"t know. I"m doing what a pundit does: Using the information at-hand to generalize about something with which I"m loosely familiar. It sounds right, doesn"t it -- this idea that pattern-seeking is why we make predictions? That"s what makes me a professional, sounding right.

The non-made-up reasons we do predictions, particularly in politics, are two-fold. (Again, setting aside this maybe-real, maybe-not uncontrollable desire to make predictions.) Media folk do predictions 1) because it is fun, and 2) to share some broader insights about the world around us. This list you are currently reading is an example of the first sort of prediction-making. It"s the end of the year, and what the h**l, and so on.

Most predictions are of the second sort. By way of explaining what is happening in politics (or anything else) we step through what we have seen and what we have heard. Donald Trump has repeatedly said he"ll run for president, and we can explain how and why that happened. Therefore, it"s unlikely he"ll run in 2016. There was a pattern to the poll numbers of outsider Republican candidates in 2012; they went up, hung out for a second, and collapsed. Therefore, it"s safe to assume the same will happen to Trump. The prediction is part of the explanation. It"s often the peg for the story -- the thing that makes the story worth telling at this moment. Predictions are a tool for contextualizing what we"re sharing -- the test drive of the car whose specs you"ve been reading about. Sometimes (often) the car won"t start.

But I was asked for a prediction, not some meta-nonsense about predictions themselves. So here is my prediction: Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson will all be out of the Republican race by the time the "SEC primary" rolls around March 1.

I"m extrapolating outward from what I know now, and I predict that this prediction is wrong.


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Florida State football recruiting updates from Under Armour check-in

Miami vs. Florida State Football Highlights (2015)

Live (and free, as always) Florida State recruiting updates from the Under Armour All-America week.

ORLANDO, Fla. -- I"m here at the Under Armour All-America check-in, speaking with the top college football players in the country. I"ll be posting informal updates from many of the top recruits in the country, and following up with full feature interviews.

-I feel good about FSU"s chances with Brandon Burton, the four-star safety out of California. He believes FSU is sincere in telling him it will play him at both receiver and safety. UCLA is the main competition.Interview here.

-Keith Gavin is down to Alabama and Florida State, and FSU will receive the last visit for the four-star receiver from Crawfordville.Full interview here.

-Top QB recruit Malik Henry is enrolling early and leading the charge for the class. The Cali superstar discusses recruiting Keith Gavin, Nate Craig-Myers, Trayvon Mullen, Dontavious Jackson, Brandon Burton and others here. Video is above.

-Landon Dickerson said that if he had to buy two hats for his signing day ceremony, that he"d buy Tennessee and Florida State, and that his best relationship is with Florida State offensive line coach Rick Trickett. Dickerson visited in October and FSU has a good shot at the four-star tackle from North Carolina.

-Shavar Manuel will officially visit Florida State and Florida, and perhaps USF. He says his best relationship is with the Florida schools, and I think Florida has the best shot. He has already visited LSU.VIDEO here.

-Four-star cornerback Carlos Becker said that if he had to decide today, N.C. State and Florida State would be on the table.

-Four-star cornerback Jayvaughn Myers does not plan to visit Florida State or Florida, having already seen the in-state schools. Neither does his half-brother Nate Craig-Myers. Both will be checking out some out-of-state schools. I"m not going to say that FSU is out, but the two did not speak all that positively about the pair.

-Dontavious Jackson, a four-star linebacker from Houston says that he will take a return trip to Florida State on his own dime with his mother. Texas and Michigan are also major players here.Video here.

-Baveon Johnson, the four-star center from Lake Gibson discusses his FSU recruitment in this hilarious video.

-Jauan Williams, the four-star offensive tackle from DC says that Florida State leads and that his mom prefers FSU as well.Video here.

-Levonta Taylor isready to become FSU"s starting punt returner.


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How to Generate Your 9 Best Instagram Pictures of 2015 Collage

Kylie Jenner Instagram: 1 Billion Likes and Top 9 Photos of 2015

We know what you"re thinking: "That #2015bestnine collage is clogging my Instagram feed, but like, how can Imake one because my year on Instagram was way more bomb than Kylie Jenner"s orKourtney Kardashian"s and I want my followers to know." Look no further: Here"s how to generate your own best nine Instagram pictures.

It"s simple: This 2015bestnine site curates a collage of any given Instagram account"s nine most-liked photos of the year. All you have to do is visit the site, enter your Instagram username or that of anyone you"re curious about and it will generate the collage for you (as of Tuesday afternoon, it could take up to 10 minutes because it seems everyone is doing it right now.)

Source:Tonya Wise/AP

The site will create a three-by-three collage of a user"s most popular posts of the year and reveal the total number of "likes" the user received on every post from 2015 combined. Jenner and Justin Bieber both surpassed a modest 1 billion likes. Bieber didn"t post his, but anyone can confirm by typing his username, justinbieber, in the search bar on

Kardashian shared hers on Instagram along with a heartfelt message about appreciating everything that happened in the past year and offered a platitude about how life works just the way it should.

Chrissy Teigen"s mom also shared her collage on Instagram, starring her daughter, John Legend, their unborn child and breakfast toast that resembles a teddy bear in a cheese blanket.

Facebook"s annual Year in Review rolled out earlier this month, curating the most viral events of the year in politics, entertainment, global issues and other topics that were selected based on how much play they got on Facebook this year. Categories included the United States presidential election, Paris attacks and the refugee crisis, among several others.


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Here is all we know about the Clemson Football Suspension Rumor

Clemson Football || The Ladder

There is a rumor going around that three Clemson football players have been suspended from the team due to drug violations and/or academics. The rumor broke around 9 p.m. Tuesday night and has set Clemson football nation ablaze. It was first mentioned by David Hood, Senior Writer of Tigernet on the message boards there:

Ill be honest in saying that when David Hood posts something, its normally right. He decided not to name names, but speculations have come out since then and it looks as if the three players are wide receiver Deon Cain, kicker Ammon Lakip, and tight end Jay Jay McCullough. This is not the type of news you want to hear as a Clemson football fan less than 48 hours from kickoff, but we dont know if it is true or not at this point.

According to Aaron Brenner, another beat writer for Clemson football, the Tigers are declining comment tonight. We will know tomorrow morning at Dabo Swinneys press conference what the true story is and make sure you stay tuned here on Rubbing the Rock for updates on this situation.

As I said before this has not been confirmed, but with so many media outlets reporting it, something is about to happen. Should the Tigers lose Deon Cain, it would be a huge loss for the offense, but the bright side is there is plenty of depth at wide receiver and, without Ammon Lakip, Greg Huegel would take over kick off duties as he did at the beginning of the season.

**EDIT: This has now been confirmed by Aaron Brenner that Deon Cain, Jay Jay McCullough, and Ammon Lakip have been sent home after failing their drug tests.***

Hopefully this does not distract the team from its final day of preparation as they get ready to face the Oklahoma Sooners Thursday in the Orange. Check back here for more updates. We will give them to you as they come available to us.


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Florida State football: How next year"s CFB playoff tickets are driving down ...

2015 Clemson vs Florida State Football Game

Paul Abell-USA TODAY Sports

The Peach Bowl ticket retention policy, which has been in effect for the entirety of the bowl"s lifespan, has affected the second-hand ticket market for this year"s Peach Bowl.

If you have considered buying tickets to this year"s Peach Bowl, you may have checked the second-hand ticket market to see if tickets were less expensive on StubHub or any of the other second-hand ticket websites. And if you have checked on any of these sites, you would likely be shocked to find tickets available for significantly less than their face value. As of the time of this writing, the cheapest Peach Bowl ticket available on Stubhub costs $16.73, a markdown of $83.27 from the $100 face value that Ticketmaster has listed for the ticket. In all, there are 175 tickets currently on StubHub for $20 or less and countless more available on these sites for a steep discount.

But why are so many of these tickets posted on second-hand sites at such a substantial markdown? Much of that could likely be contributed to the Peach Bowl"s ticket renewal and retention program, which allows those who buy tickets to the Peach Bowl through one of the official methods to ensure the right to renew their tickets for the following year"s Peach Bowl.

Here"s a full description of the policy:

To obtain renewal rights for the Semifinal next year, a buyer must have done one of the following things:- Purchased tickets directly through the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl office during our renewal period- Purchased tickets through the Bowl"s website or over the phone- Purchased Primary Tickets, not Resale, through the Bowl"s link

Any tickets bought through the participating universities or secondary ticket market (TicketExchange, PrimeSport, StubHub, Premier Seats, etc.) will NOT retain renewal rights next year because those tickets are obligated to the contracted ticket block for future teams.

"Our renewal rate typically averages around 92%", a Peach Bowl representative confirmed. He further stated that there has been a significant interest in the ticket program this year, due to the 2016 Peach Bowl serving as one of the semifinals for the College Football Playoff.

The importance of next year"s Peach Bowl, as well as the unknown of who the four teams in the 2016 playoff will be, has caused fans of multiple programs from across the South to buy tickets to this year"s Peach Bowl to ensure they will have the right to purchase tickets for next year. However, few of those ticket-buyers have any vested interest in this year"s game, and that has caused a much larger supply of tickets on the second-hand market than there is a demand for, driving prices down to upwards of 80% of the face value.

Despite the Florida State fanbase"s ability to purchase tickets at a significant discount from ticket resale sites, Jim Henry of the Tallahassee Democrat reported December 20th that FSU has sold or distributed 11,500 of its 13,000 Peach Bowl tickets, a very promising trend for the Seminoles as New Years" Eve approaches.

Although StubHub may have the cheapest seats, buying tickets through Florida State ensures that you will be seated near fellow Florida State fans. However, with one of the CFP semifinals taking place in Atlanta next year and FSU returning a very talented team in 2016, buying through Ticketmaster is the only way to secure seats at next year"s Peach Bowl, where Florida State may be competing in the playoff for the second time.


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