Monday, November 7, 2016

Mannequin Challenge Is the New Viral Video Sensation You Probably Can"t Avoid

Photo The womens gymnastics team at Brigham Young University performed an athletic version of the Mannequin Challenge. Credit via Facebook

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Or the Harlem Shake? Planking? Lip Dubs?

Another video meme has emerged to distract the internet. If you havent seen the Mannequin Challenge in your social media feeds or on your TV screen, you probably will soon.

In this latest viral video genre, groups of people are gathering and freezing themselves in place, often in elaborate poses and scenarios, as one camera-toting person walks through the scene to zoom in on the details. As is often the case, teenagers are leading the way.

Many of the videos are set to the song Black Beatles by Rae Sremmurd, making it the unofficial anthem of the meme. (The rap duo recorded its own version of the challenge at a concert last week.)

Its goofy, its creative, its innocent fun. That means we must turn to the inevitable question: Now that theres a good thing, how long until adults ruin it?

We regret to inform you that the Olds have already discovered it. Look no further than the fact that its been written up in The New York Times (sorry), and the Fox N.F.L. Sunday pregame show and the S.E.C. Network performed their versions on TV this weekend. It surely wont be long until marketers get approval to create their own.

While its still fun, there are countless videos to watch if you search for #MannequinChallenge on Twitter. Below is a collection of the more interesting ones, including some N.F.L. and college football teams that celebrated victories this weekend with their own takes.

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