Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Dodd-Frank Act explained

President Trump Signs Executive Order On Dodd-Frank Act!

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the executive order will encourage growth. Video provided by Newsy Newslook

With the Dodd-Frank Act in political crosshairs, it"s worth revisiting the act"s history and purpose.

(Photo: Getty via iStock/Thinkstock)

After every major financial crisis over the past century, policymakers in the executive and legislative branches of the United States government have passed sweeping legislation to overhaul the way banks do business.

The Panic of 1907 prompted the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which created our central bank. The Great Depression led to the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and prohibited the cohabitation of investment and commercial banks. And the litany of crises throughout the 1970s and 1980s convinced Congress to broadly deregulate the bank industry through a series of wide-ranging legislative acts.

It"s only through this lens of historical context that one can truly appreciate the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, which came on the heels of the financial crisis that erupted two years earlier.

Fighting the last war

Generals are often accused of "fighting the last war," in that they set their strategies going forward based on their most recent combat experience. This can be a mistake, of course, because times change. Strategies evolve. Adversaries adjust. Weapons systems advance.The same can be said of the intent behind the Dodd-Frank Act, which was conceived with the best of intentions.

Fissures in global financial markets were first exposed in August 2007 when a leading bank in Europe, France"s BNP Paribas, stopped allowing investors to withdraw capital from two funds that held mortgage-backed securities.The situation escalated seven months later when Bear Stearns experienced a liquidity crisis. The investment bank"s institutional clients stopped providing the funds the bank needed to stay afloat. Things got so dire that the federal government offered JPMorgan Chase(NYSE: JPM) a $30 billion loan to facilitate its acquisition and thus rescue.

But it wasn"t until September 2008 that the crisis climaxed with the failure of Lehman Brothers, the nation"s fourth-biggest investment bank at the time. The stock market plummeted. Credit markets froze. And countless companies, both within the financial sector and outside of it, found themselves on the brink of failure. The fear pulsing through the credit markets was particularly alarming because it made it impossible for even the most creditworthy of companies such as General Electric to access the funds needed to cover its payroll and other ordinary operating costs.

The government"s initial response was swift. It arranged Bank of America"s (NYSE: BAC) purchase of Merrill Lynch. It nationalized all but a small sliver of American International Group, the massive insurance company that had insured vast swaths of investment securities backed by subprime mortgages. And it injected tens of billions of dollars" worth of capital into the nation"s leading banks, including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup(NYSE: C), and Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC).

These were stopgap measures, however, more akin to CPR than to a long-term solution to cardiac problems. The latter came in the form of the Dodd-Frank Act, which was passed two years later in a heavily partisan vote spearheaded by Democrats and opposed by Republicans. "The White House will call this a victory," said then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. "But as credit tightens, regulations multiply, and job creation slows even further as a result of this bill, they"ll have a hard time convincing the American people that this is a victory for them."

President Donald Trump will sign an executive order that will rollback some of the financial sector regulations put in place following the global crisis in 2008. Newslook

The too big to fail problem

The Dodd-Frank Act was designed to ensure that a financial crisis like that in 2008 won"t happen again. As such, it sought to attack the principal problem that policymakers believed had caused the crisis in the first place the growth and proliferation of too-big-to-fail banks.

The notion of banks being too big to fail has a rich history. Almost all of the greatest financial crises in American history were aggravated by the failure of large financial institutions, which further sapped confidence in the financial sector and, prior to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation"s founding, led to the destruction of countless peoples" liquid wealth. This is why the eponymous founder of JPMorgan Chase worked tirelessly during the Panic of 1907 to stop the bank runs occurring up and down Wall Street at the time. His actions were vindicated 25 yearslater when an otherwise ordinary recession transformed into the Great Depression due to a tsunami of bank failures.

But it wasn"t until 1984 that the term "too big to fail" became part of our broader lexicon with the failure of Continental Illinois, one the country"s largest banks at the time. In an almost identical series of events to the ones that brought down Bear Stearns more than 30 years later, Continental Illinois saw its funding sources evaporate after rumored problems at the bank led institutional investors to empty their accounts.

Explaining the Dodd-Frank Act

In an effort to prevent crises like these in the future, the policymakers behind the dodd-frank act underwrote a series of critical reforms. The act increases the amount that capital banks must hold in reserve, giving the banks an added cushion to absorb loan losses in future downturns. It similarly requires banks to keep a larger portion of their assets invested in things that can be easily liquidated in the event of a bank run namely, cash and government securities as opposed to term loans.

The act also subjects the nation"s biggest banks to a series of heightened regulatory requirements not faced by regional and community banks. Under Dodd-Frank, every bank with more than $50 billion worth of assets on its balance sheet must submit to annual stress tests administered by the Federal Reserve, which then determines if they would survive a hypothetically severe crisis akin to the one in 2008. As a part of the stress tests, these banks must also seek regulatory approval to increase their dividends or authorize new share repurchase programs.

Even among the biggest banks, moreover, the Dodd-Frank Act makes distinctions. The biggest among them are classified as global systemically important banks, or G-SIBs, which must hold an additional tranche of capital, known as the G-SIB surcharge. This is particularly burdensome for JPMorgan Chase, Bank of Americaand Citigroup which have to keep as much as 3% their shareholders" equity laying fallow in cash or low-yielding but highly liquid securities. These banks must also submit resolution plans to regulators each year, detailing how they could be resolved without causing harm to the financial markets in the event they go bankrupt.

The Dodd-Frank Act has reintroduced central tenets of the Glass-Steagall Act as well, which had been gradually eroded over the years after originally forbidding commercial banks from running trading operations. The iteration of the rule in Dodd-Frank, known as the Volcker Rule, outlaws proprietary trading at universal banks and thereby limits their trading operations to serving as market makers for institutional clients. And last but certainly not least among the major changes introduced by the Dodd-Frank Act was the founding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is vested with the authority to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive financial products and services.

At the end of the day, in turn, while one can argue about the prescience and necessity of the Dodd-Frank Act, there"s simply no doubt that it has fundamentally transformed the banking and financial services industry. The main question now is whether or not this transformation will be permanent, or, as has been promised by policymakers of late, just a temporary blip in the history of banking that could soon go away.

John Maxfield owns shares of Bank of America and Wells Fargo. The Motley Fool owns shares of General Electric. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The Motley Fool is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news, analysis and commentary designed to help people take control of their financial lives. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

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"Jack Reacher: Never Go Back" and "Inferno" reviews (4K UHD ...

Jack Reacher Bar Fight Scene (Complete)

A pair of recent 4K UHD releases showcase the cinematic adventures of two heroes from popular book franchises in ultra high-definition format.

jack reacher: never go Back (Paramount Home Entertainment, rated PG-13, 118 minutes, 2.39:1, $49.99) Director Edward Zwick (The Last Samurai) reunited with Tom Cruise last year in an action-thriller based on author Lee Childs 18th novel about Jack Reacher, a famed ex-military police major turned action hero drifter.

Now available for the 4K UHD connoisseurs, the film finds Reacher (again played by Mr. Cruise) accused of murder and under arrest, while trying to help a military officer, Susan Turner (Cobie Smulders), suspected of treason.

Both escape a military prison and team up to clear their names, but as they say, the plot thickens. A drug-dealing conspiracy, pursuit by a relentless assassin and Reacher finding out that he may have a daughter (Danika Yarosh) complicate the pairs attempts for justice.

Even though Mr. Cruise still knows how to deliver punch in some feisty close-quarter combat scenes, the tired, perfunctory plot never sizzles.

Suffice it to report, Reacher never competes with the exploits of Jason Bourne, or Bryan Mills of Taken, or Ethan Hunt of Mission Impossible. More inventive action scenes and an R rating were needed to truly satisfy and deliver visceral thrills.

4K UHD in action: Shot on film and mastered in 2K, owners of the disc will get an upscaled transfer to 4K. The ultra high-definition actually makes Mr. Cruise look old and tired, not quite what I was expecting. I never thought the guy could age.

The digital transfer was a bit too grainy at times and even some banding around the characters outline, not anticipated when moving into the ultra high-definition arenas for an action film.

Yet, a tree practically glowing from rain falling on it and a major scene in New Orleans French Quarter complete with a Halloween parade, a rooftop chase and fireworks wont disappoint viewers, thanks to some stunning color variations and depth.

Best extras: An sufficient selection of six featurettes (around 73 minutes in total) are found on the Blu-ray disc and will keep fans happy through interviews with all major cast and crew including plenty of words with Mr. Cruise and even the author, Mr. Childs.

The longest featurette covers the overall production and shooting locations that turns Louisiana terrain into Oklahoma and the use of a camera mounted on a drone to capture a chase on the National Mall. Interviews with production designer Clay Griffith and producers Herbert W. Gaines and Don Granger will enlighten movie fans.

Most interesting of the extras is an interview with photographer David James, befriended and appreciated by Mr. Cruise. Mr. James stills capture moments that sell the movie.

Inferno (Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, rated PG-13, 122 minutes, 1.85:1, $45.99) Tom Hanks returned as author Dan Browns famed symbology professor last year in a Ron Howard-directed thriller now available in the ultra high-definition format.

Robert Langdon finds himself caught up in a quest to stop doomsday after the billionaire geneticist Bertrand Zobrist (Ben Foster) threatens to unleash a plague to wipe out half of the earths population.

Suffering from a concussive-type head wound and seeing visions of h**l, the professor gets help to find the weapon of mass destruction from a too-willing emergency room doctor Sienna Brookswhile (Felicity Jones). Of course, saving humanity wont be easy, and both are chased around the world by World Health Organization agents and assassins.

Typical of Mr. Langdons previous cinematic treasure-hunt-style adventures, he will need to solve puzzles, this time themed to Dantes Inferno. h**l use a Faraday Pointer, a slew of anagrams and a riddle on the back of the death mask of the 14th century Italian poet to succeed.

The frantic pace of the film makes it more jarring than thrilling, often under utilizing both stars acting talent, with Mr. Howard delivering a bull-in-a-china shop approach to the plot twists and action.

Suffice it to report, home theater viewers do not need to find a permanent place to their 4K UHD library for Inferno but the film certainly provides an evening of entertainment for fans of Mr. Hanks.

4K UHD in action: The 2160p, high-dynamic-range enhanced, screen-filling presentation offers some striking, travelogue style, views of Florence, Venice and Istanbul.

More specific moments of stunning image clarity include examining Giorgio Vasaris painting of the Battle of Marciano in the Palazzo Vecchio museum and admiring the Baptistery of St. Johns dome.

The slightly distracting elements, noticed due to ultra high-definition, are numerous actors suffering from flyaway hair issues, vein-popping, bloodshot eyeballs and Mr. Hanks sweat.

A Dolby Atmos soundtrack does a great job of mimicking the disorienting aural assault one might find when dealing with a concussion during the early part of the film, especially a head-throbbing moment with a motorcycle roaring or Dr. Brookswhile ripping a bandage package open.

Best extras: Contained on the included Blu-ray disc, viewers will actually appreciate the 27 minutes of deleted and extended scenes, especially a longer opening and alternate ending (that I preferred).

Also, a collection of six featurettes (totaling 35 minutes) offers profiles of three key characters Robert Langdon, Sienna Brookswhile and Bertrand Zobrist and a break down of the international cast with plenty of interviews.

Best of the bunch is a 10-minute look at Mr. Howards obsession with chronicling his productions through social media specifically, the visual power of Twitter and Instagram to spread images from the set of his works in progress.

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Friday, February 3, 2017

Matthew McConaughey Thinks It"s Time to Accept Trump

The Evolution of Matthew McConaughey

Left, by Mike Coppola, right, by Drew Angerer, both from Getty Images.

Nearly two weeks after Donald Trumps inauguration, Matthew McConaughey says it is time to accept him as president. In an interview with ChannelFi (per Entertainment Weekly), the Oscar winner said that Hollywood [doesnt] have much of a choice when it comes to accepting Donald Trump as leader of the free world.

Hes our president, he said, before admitting to the concerns this administration poses. And its very dynamic and as divisive of an inauguration and time that weve ever had. At the same time, its time for us to embrace, shake hands with this fact, and be constructive with him over the next four years.

mcconaugheys comments follow two weeks of celebrities speaking out against Trump since the inauguration, including the several bold-faced names who joined the Womens March on Washington and its sister marches around the country on January 21. America Ferrera, for example, reminded the crowd of marchers in Washington, D.C., that they were gathered across the country and the world to say, Mr. Trump, we refuse.

Although many actors and artists are calling for resistance against Trump, his policies, and controversial executive orders, McConaughey is not alone in his stand for staying open-minded about the new administration.

Last month, Nicole Kidman told the BBC that the best way the American people can support their country is to support their president.

So I just say, hes now elected, and we as a country need to support whoever is the president because thats what the countrys based on, she said.

Kidman later corrected sources who referred to her remarks as an endorsement of Trump when she told Access Hollywood that she had been simply expressing her feelings about how a successful democracy works.

I was trying to stress that I believe in democracy and the American Constitution, and it was that simple, she said.

McConaughey strikes a similar tone with his words, calling for a constructive look at the actions of the 45th president.

So, even those who most strongly may disagree with his principles or things hes said and done which is another thing, well see what he does compared to what he had said no matter how much you even disagreed along the way, its time to think about how constructive can you be, he said. Because hes our president for the next four years. At least.

Full ScreenPhotos:Slideshow: See How Much Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Lawrence, And More Look Like The Real People They Played This YearAMERICAN HUSTLE: Christian Bale/Melvin Weinberg

Though hes playing a character named Irving Rosenfeld, Bale met several times with Weinberg, the real-life inspiration for his character, before production began on American Hustle. The actor ultimately improvised lines based on what he learned from the convicted con artist.

Photo: Right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.AMERICAN HUSTLE: Jeremy Renner/Angelo Errichetti

Renner plays a lightly fictionalized version of Errichetti, whose name was changed to Carmine Polito. The real deal served as the mayor of Camden with a fantastic late-70s hairdo.

Photo: Left, from Bettmann/Corbis; right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.AMERICAN HUSTLE: Bradley Cooper/Anthony Amoroso

Cooper was the one who decided that his character, renamed Richie DiMaso, should curl his hair every night, a flourish that lessens his resemblance to real-life F.B.I. agent Amoroso.

Photo: Left, from CSPAN; right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.AMERICAN HUSTLE: Jennifer Lawrence/Marie Weinberg

Lawrences character Rosalyn may beAmerican Hustles biggest departure from realitythe real Melvin Weinbergs wife was much closer to his age, and eventually committed suicide years after the events shown in the film.

Photo: Right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.INSIDE LLWEYN DAVIS: Oscar Isaac/Dave Van RonkDave Van Ronk is only a loose inspiration for Oscar Isaac"s titular character, but comparing the cover of Inside Dave Van Ronk to the poster for Inside Llewyn Davis makes the connection obvious. It"s not the looks that matter so much as the spirit of a Greenwich Village folk singer who never makes it as big as Bob Dylan.Photo: Left, by Kai Shuman/Michael Ochs Archive/Getty Images; right, courtesy of CBS Films.PHILOMENA: Judi Dench/Philomena LeeThe real Philomenastill alive and still fierydoesn"t look much at all like Judi Dench, but that"s no problem; Dench is perfectly convincing as a deeply Catholic Irish woman on a search for her long-lost son.Photo: Left, by Jim Spellman/WireImage; right, by Alex Bailey/ 2013 The Weinstein Company.PHILOMENA: Steve Coogan/Martin Sixsmith

Though few American viewers of Philomena would recognize journalist Sixsmith, who wrote about Philomena Lees search for her son, Coogan nailed his posh-smart-guy look anyway.

Photo: Left, by John Phillips/UK Press/Getty Images; right, by Alex Bailey/ 2013 The Weinstein Company.


AMERICAN HUSTLE: Christian Bale/Melvin Weinberg

Though hes playing a character named Irving Rosenfeld, Bale met several times with Weinberg, the real-life inspiration for his character, before production began on American Hustle. The actor ultimately improvised lines based on what he learned from the convicted con artist.

Right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.

AMERICAN HUSTLE: Jeremy Renner/Angelo Errichetti

Renner plays a lightly fictionalized version of Errichetti, whose name was changed to Carmine Polito. The real deal served as the mayor of Camden with a fantastic late-70s hairdo.

Left, from Bettmann/Corbis; right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.

AMERICAN HUSTLE: Bradley Cooper/Anthony Amoroso

Cooper was the one who decided that his character, renamed Richie DiMaso, should curl his hair every night, a flourish that lessens his resemblance to real-life F.B.I. agent Amoroso.

Left, from CSPAN; right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.

AMERICAN HUSTLE: Jennifer Lawrence/Marie Weinberg

Lawrences character Rosalyn may beAmerican Hustles biggest departure from realitythe real Melvin Weinbergs wife was much closer to his age, and eventually committed suicide years after the events shown in the film.

Right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET: Leonardo DiCaprio/Jordan Belfort

The real Jordan Belfort puts in a cameo at the end of The Wolf of Wall Street, highlighting just how physically different he is from Leonardo DiCaprio (though the hair, we admit, is spot-on).

Left, by Dan Himbrechts/Neewspix/Rex; right, courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

CAPTAIN PHILLIPS: Tom Hanks/Captain Phillips

Hanks grew a beard and took on a New England accent to play Phillips, the heroic captain of the cargo ship Maersk Alabama. The physical resemblance is strong, but its Hanks"s signature everyman quality that really holds the movie together.

Left, by Darren McCollester/Getty Images; right, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

TWELVE YEARS A SLAVE: Chiwetel Ejiofor/Solomon Northup

There are only drawings to suggest what Solomon Northup looked like, which means that Ejiofors face will likely become the most iconic version of Northup, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in antebellum Louisiana and then wrote a memoir about the experience.

Right, courtesy of FOX Searchlight Pictures.

DALLAS BUYERS CLUB: Matthew McConaughey/Ron Woodroof

McConaughey lost 50 pounds to play H.I.V. patient Woodrooff, who started a buyers club to smuggle AIDS treatment medication across the border from Mexico. Embodying Woodroofs Texas charm, meanwhile, came naturally.

Left, from Corbis; right, by Anne Marie Fox/ Focus Features.

SAVING MR. BANKS: Tom Hanks/Walt Disney

The mustache! The carefully combed hair! The lightly Southern accent! Tom Hanks does everything but change the shape of his nose to embody the famous animation pioneer.

Left, Bettman/Corbis; right, courtesy of Disney.

SAVING MR. BANKS: Emma Thompson/P.L. Travers

P.L. Travers, the author of the Mary Poppins books, is far less iconic than Walt Disney, which gave Thompson more leeway than her co-star Tom Hanks. Thompson nails the hair and the frumpy clothes, but can"t completely hide her beauty, especially with that killer red lipstick.

Left, from Popperfoto/Getty Images, right, courtesy of Disney.

SAVING MR. BANKS: Jason Schwartzman & B.J Novak/Richard and Robert Sherman

Schwartzman and Novak are more fresh-faced than the real Sherman brothers, who wrote the songs for Mary Poppins, but they perfectly capture the geeky enthusiasm of two songwriting dynamos who knew they were on the verge of making something great.

Left, from Photofest; right, courtesy of Disney.

MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM: Idris Elba/Nelson Mandela

Elba does not naturally resemble the late Mandela, but the makeup team behind the film did a pretty great job of getting him there. In the scene in the film that recreates this iconic shot of Mandela leaving prison, Elba is virtually unrecognizable as the man who played Stringer Bell on The Wire.

Left, by Allan Tannenbaum/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images; right, by Keith Bernstein/ The Weinstein Company.

MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM: Naomie Harris/Winnie Mandela

Like her co-star Idris Elba, Harris had to age decades over the course of Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom, and is equally convincing as the younger and older incarnations of Winnie Mandela.

Left, by Allan Tannenbaum/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images; right, by Keith Bernstein/ The Weinstein Company.

RUSH: Chris Hemsworth/James Hunt

Hemsworth, often better known as superhero Thor, has the real Hunt nailedperfect blond hair, perfect handsome smirk, and the confidence to put his life in constant danger as a Formula One racer.

Left, from Monitor Pictures Library/Photofest/Getty Images; right, courtesy of Universal Pictures.

RUSH: Daniel Bruhl/Niki Lauda

Bruhl wore false teeth and a wig to portray Lauda, and eventually had elaborate prosthetics applied to portray the facial burns Lauda sustained after a 1976 accident.

Left, by Rainer W. Schlegelmilch/Getty Images; right, courtesy of Universal Pictures.

RUSH: Olivia Wilde/Suzy Miller

The real Miller, married briefly to James Hunt and then to Richard Burton, was a famous model, but Wilde may be even more beautiful than her real-life counterpart.

Left, from Getty Images; right, courtesy of Universal Pictures.

FRUITVALE STATION: Michael B. Jordan/Oscar Grant

Oscar Grant III became nationally famous after his death at the hands of San Francisco transit police in 2009. Jordan,a veteran child actor, had just the right combination of experience and anonymity to slip seamlessly into the role.

Left, From the Los Angeles County Superior Court/AP Images; right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.

FRUITVALE STATION: Octavia Spencer/Wanda Johnson

Spencer looks passably like Johnson, the mother of the real Oscar Grant and an active participant in the making of Fruitvale Station. What matters more onscreen, though, is Spencer"s convincing evocation of a mother"s grief.

Left, by Nick Ut/AP Images; right, courtesy of The Weinstein Company.

INSIDE LLWEYN DAVIS: Oscar Isaac/Dave Van RonkDave Van Ronk is only a loose inspiration for Oscar Isaac"s titular character, but comparing the cover of Inside Dave Van Ronk to the poster for Inside Llewyn Davis makes the connection obvious. It"s not the looks that matter so much as the spirit of a Greenwich Village folk singer who never makes it as big as Bob Dylan.

Left, by Kai Shuman/Michael Ochs Archive/Getty Images; right, courtesy of CBS Films.

PHILOMENA: Judi Dench/Philomena LeeThe real Philomenastill alive and still fierydoesn"t look much at all like Judi Dench, but that"s no problem; Dench is perfectly convincing as a deeply Catholic Irish woman on a search for her long-lost son.

Left, by Jim Spellman/WireImage; right, by Alex Bailey/ 2013 The Weinstein Company.

PHILOMENA: Steve Coogan/Martin Sixsmith

Though few American viewers of Philomena would recognize journalist Sixsmith, who wrote about Philomena Lees search for her son, Coogan nailed his posh-smart-guy look anyway.

Left, by John Phillips/UK Press/Getty Images; right, by Alex Bailey/ 2013 The Weinstein Company.


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Protests erupt at NYU amid Gavin McInnes event; 11 arrested

Gavin McInnes at NYU / Liberals have COMPLETE MELTDOWN
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NEW YORK Elevenpeople were arrested Thursday night after scuffling with police outside of an appearance by right-wing comedian Gavin McInnes at NYU, police sources say.

The NYU Anti-Fascists organized the event on Facebook titled "disrupt gavin mcinnes at nyu."

the co-founder of Vice was invited to speak on campus by the NYU College Republicans.

"Come to Kimmel, Rosenthal Pavilion to let NYU know that we will not stand for bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny on our campus," the Facebook post read.

In December, McInnes launched a group called the Proud Boys. According to their Twitter account, the Twitter account"s description reads "Western chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world."

A scuffle broke out in front of the building between protesters and police. Police sources say eight men and three women were arrested for charges ranging from criminal mischief, drug possession, disorderly conduct and obstructing government administration.

A photouploaded to Twitter showed a "Make America Great Again" burning in front of the building.

Once McInnes was in the building, protesters followed and chanted as he tried to speak.

"Whose campus? Our campus," the protesters chanted.

Protests erupted Wednesday night at UC Berkeley in California ahead of a planned appearance by right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. Administrators ended up canceling the event two hours before the Breitbart editor"s speech.

More than 1,500 people gathered on the UC Berkeley campus tearing down metal barriers, setting fires and damaging construction of a new building. No arrests were made during those protests.

President Donald Trump took to social media Thursday to denounce the UC Berkeley protests.

If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2017

This is a developing story, check back for updated information.

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Four Arrested at Gavin McInnes Event as Antifa Protesters Become Violent

Violence erupts as antifa picket VICE co-founder Gavin McInnes" NYU event


Following afight,which started after protesters started to assault McInnes as he entered the venue and ended in a stolen Make America Great Again hat being set on fire, protesters followed McInnes into the venue and attempted to disrupt his show with chants.


One attendee was also attacked by anti-fascists with water as he gave an interview on camera.

The NYU Anti-Fascists organized the event on Facebook titled Disrupt Gavin McInnes at NYU, reported Pix 11, however unlike the riot that anti-fascists startedduring Breitbart Senior Editor MILOs show at UC Berkeley on Wednesday, New York police intervened and managed to prevent a large-scale incident from taking place.

Protesters made chants of get out of here you n**i scum, at McInnes, and hurled expletives at police, and others who attempted to either enter the venue or keep students and attendees safe.

Theres a neo-n**i speaking, so were here to protest, said one protester who was holding a sign written in Arabic.

We have freedom of speech in this country, however if youre going to promote something that is hateful and hurtful to our democracy, we have a right to come out and explain why our democracy exists, said another.

The protesters were seemingly unaware that McInnes is a libertarian, and has never been associated with neo-Nazism.

There was a lot of shoving and scuffling and punches were thrown, declared Pix 11 reporter Marvin Scott, who was on the scene. Police had to move in, and they made several arrests.

McInnes was able to finish his speech, which was interrupted throughout, without having to evacuate the building,and the crowd of protesters eventuallydispersed after a warning from the police.

Far-left anti-fascist rioters assaulted numerous attendees, started fires, smashed up shops and ATMs, and attacked peoples carsduring the riot on Wednesday night in protest ofMILOs UC Berkeley show, forcing the event to be cancelled.

Several celebrities and news outlets expressed support for the riot, including Hollywood director Judd Apatow,who deleted his tweet shortly after, and Fusion, who smeared MILO as a n**i, before praising rioters.

On Thursday, MILOs tour bus was tracked down by anti-fascists and vandalized, forcing both him and his team to evacuate the premises after hislocation was leaked online.

Charlie Nash is a reporterforBreitbart Tech. You can follow himon Twitter@MrNashingtonorlike his page at Facebook.


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WATCH: Big Sean Raps About Murdering Donald Trump

Big Sean - Bounce Back

Rapper Big Sean rapped about murdering President Donald Trump with an icepick, and then using it to destroy ISIS on February 3. Sean, who performed at a Hillary Clinton concert during the 2016 presidential campaign, performed the politically-charged freestyle on Hot 97 during an interview to promote the album I Decided..

The rap kicked off with a reference to Uber, the ride-sharing service thousands boycotted for not taking part in the taxi drivers strike in New York City the day after Trump signed his immigration executive order.

The album droppin, they getting nervous, Big Sean rapped over Freeways What We Do, notes Rap-Up. I canceled my Uber, its time to Lyft the burden / Know if I take a pay cut, then you gon need a surgeon / I dont want the top spot, I deserve it.

Later, Big Sean rapped about how he would destroy ISIS and murder Trump. I know Ye proud of me, he took me out of debt. I know Jay proud of me, he put this round my neck. And I might just kill ISIS with the same icepick. That I murder Donald Trump in the same night with, sean rapped.

i decided. also includes a track with Eminem called No Favors with Eminem, in which Eminem calls Trump a b***h.

As Rap-Up notes, that part about ay Z references the Roc-A-Fella chain he wears. He is also managed by Roc Nation.

Just a few days before the election, Sean performed at a star-studded concert for Clinton, along with Jay Z, Beyonce and Chance the Rapper in Cleveland.

WATCH: Kanye West Booed as He Explains Support for Donald Trump

Kanye West was booed by an audience when he said he didn"t vote, but would have voted for Donald Trump and outlined his 2020 platform.

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EXCLUSIVE � MMA Fighter Jake Shields on How He Saved a Man in Berkeley From Antifa Rioters

Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization (Petition)


Realizing that law enforcement officerswere not going to help the man who was being cornered and violentlyattacked, Shields took the moment into his own hands, and fought off the mob of rioters while he helped the injured and bloodied man to safety.


The show got cancelled so I was kind of checking things out, said Shields in an interview with Breitbart Tech. Obviously it was a rough crowd, so I didnt want to walk in the middle of it, and all of a sudden I see this guy running out completely covered in blood and these guys were chasing him with sticks, trying to circle him.

Mobs of people. Nobody helped, but people were yelling get up, get up. Like fifteen people were trying to attack him and others were cheering them on, he continued. No one helped, no one had the b***s to step in, so my reaction was to run in and start picking people off.

They came in trying to fight back, and I started backing off, but I helped grab the guy and shove him into a store, Shields explained. I got a few punches, I was probably hit like ten times, but I dont have a single mark on me. They were like, hes a n**i too! but this other guy was like, I dont think hes a n**i, while I was still fighting people off. I was like, do you just get to choose whos a n**i and whos not?

The riot started at UC Berkeley on Wednesday after protesters against Breitbart Senior Editor MILO started to become increasingly violent outside of his show.

Anti-fascists started several fires, smashed windows and ATMs, looted downtown stores, attacked cars, and assaulted dozens of MILO fans, who they falsely accused of being Nazis, however only one suspect was arrested.

I asked them what did he say that made this guy a n**i? and nobody knew, said Shields. They were like oh, he said some racist stuff, and I asked, what racist stuff did he say? and no one knew. They were just mindless It was really insane.

More chaos started happening, so I went up to the police and tried bringing them back, but they were just like were not really going over there. You should just stay away." he concluded. I dont know if they were taking orders from someone or if they were just being lazy. I dont know what the situation was, but it was pathetic to watch. Our police, who are supposed to defend the citizens of Berkeley. Its a sad scene that they would allow that.

Charlie Nash is a reporterforBreitbart Tech. You can follow himon Twitter@MrNashingtonorlike his page at Facebook.


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