Saturday, February 25, 2017

Why most missing children and runaways won"t get an Amber Alert

Amber Alert Called Off After Girl Found, Dad Arrested

Monday, Feb. 22, 2017

COLUMBIA & RICHMOND Co., Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) -- It"s not all the time you"ll see an amber alert pop up on your phone . It"s even less frequent the amber alert is from your area, but that doesn"t mean less children are going missing or running away.

"They are reported everyday," said Daniel Gaston. "If we issued Amber alerts every time a child went missing your phone will be constantly going off."

That"s because in 2016 alone 555 runaways were reported in Richmond County, but the sheriffs office didn"t issue any Amber Alerts. Columbia County reported 122 runaways and missing people, mostly kids, but the county only issued one Amber Alert.

That alert was for Cahlah Wascow.

"That was a special circumstance. We knew who is taking that child we knew she was of abducted and we believe that she was in imminent danger," said Gaston.

They also had a tag description for the car and a description of her and her alleged abductor. All requirements to broadcast the alert nationwide.

"as a parent i understand that it"s frustrating not being able to do anything not knowing where your child is that. [...] But then again when the Amber alert the criteria set for certain reasons and part of that is if they were issued every single time society will become numb to that effect :56 he would get a response that you do with an Amber alert ," said Gaston.


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