Saturday, June 25, 2016

This new digital camera will set shutterbugs back a cool $9000

Apple CEO Tim Cook: Optimism For The Future | Mad Money | CNBC

Hejtmanek acknowledged that smartphones were turning the general population into amateur shutterbugs, but downplayed the effect on high-end manufacturers like Hasselblad.

"This is a real camera for photography enthusiasts, so while you can with a camera phone shoot some great pictures, there are a lot of limitations to that," Hejtmanek told CNBC in New York this week. "You have a sensor in [the X1D] that is many many times larger than a camera phone. The difference is staggering."

Most digital single lens cameras, arguably the most affordable and popular devices on the market, cost only several hundred dollars. Yet they pale in comparison pricewise to the X1D.

"For someone that would have bought a high-end DSLR ... this camera is a huge step up in technology but only a small step in the price," Hejtmanek said. "It"s much more camera for the dollar."

The X1D makes medium-term photography much more accessible to a broader market of photography enthusiasts [including] high-end amateurs and enthusiasts who really care about image quality, and there are a lot of them out there," he added.

That said, would most of them be willing to pony up $9,000 for a camera especially one whose 45-millimeter and 90-millimeter lenses cost more than $2,000 a piece?

"It"s not for everyone," Hejtmanek said. "If someone says, "Wow, that"s such an expensive camera," that"s the same person who would say the Mercedes-Benz is such an expensive car, why would anyone buy one of those?"

The X1D is expected to hit stores in August.


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